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Chinese Fried Noodles Recipe

Chinese Fried Noodles Recipe

1. 1 Pack (140 grams) of dried egg noodles or approximately
2. 200 grams of wet noodles
3. 50 g chicken breast meat, thinly sliced or box
4. 5 pieces of fried meatballs, sliced thin or 50 grams of kekian, cut beams of small
5. 8-10 tail jerbung small size shrimp, peeled
6. 100 mL water or chicken stock with a little chicken stock powder
7. 4 cloves garlic, memarkan
8. 2-3 stem mustard greens, cut a length of 4 cm
9. 3 pieces of cabbage leaf, cut into cubes
10. Soy sauce to taste
11. The cooking oil to taste
12. Sesame oil to taste
13. Salt and pepper to taste

How to Cook Chinese Fried Noodles
1. Boil the dried noodles until done and drain. When using a wet noodle, need not be boiled. Give a little oil not sticky. Set aside.

2. Heat oil in wok and FRY garlic until fragrant and browned. Stir in soy sauce, then chicken, shrimp, and fried meatballs.

3. Pour the chicken stock and bring to a boil. Bumbuhi with sweet soy sauce, salt, pepper to taste.

4. Insert the noodles and vegetables. Close the meeting briefly so vegetables are wilted. Mix well and cook until seasoning infuse.

5. The last add sesame oil and mix well. When the broth is too dry, add a little water

6. Serve while hot.


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